Temptation waits... what are you resisting?


Staff member
I'm trying to behave myself at the moment because the reading pile is starting to become monstrous, but there are a few games that I have my eye on.

The first up is King for a Day which looks like an awesome campaign. My reluctance for this sits around the fact that I have a pile of other campaigns to read. I'd love to see a decent review of this because the print copy is around £30 (with postage) and the PDF is £15. I have this feeling that if I buy just the PDF and love it, then I'll end up buying the hardcopy as well and cursing myself.

The second is Legacy: Life Among the Ruins 2nd Edition. I managed to buy the first edition just before the Kickstarter for the second edition was announced; on a skim it looks really nice. I'm just resisting buying the PDF as again I may buy a hardcopy.

The final one at the moment is Beyond the Wall: Heroes Young and Old. I bought the PDF and I will get this, but I've promised myself that I will wait until I run BTW first.

All the links above are to RPGNow.

So what are you resisting?
I'm resisting just about everything. I had a sort of epiphany what with my 65th birthday coming up shortly and I decided that I was going to cut down on the number/variety of game systems I would buy/read/run. I decided that I'd stick with the venerable D100 system as in Call of Cthulhu and Mythras, and keep on running/playing GUMSHOE and PbtA games and that would be it, unless something absolutely amazing came along, as I can run just about anything period/setting-wise with those systems. The only OSR system I'm considering keeping is a variant of The Black Hack as it's simple enough to handle basic fantasy settings and the only one I really enjoy is Empire of the Petal throne set in Tekumel.
I was seriously tempted by the Warhammer 40K Wrath and Glory RPG, but the high price gave me a pretty decent slap on the face, so I am no longer tempted and will reluctantly walk away from this Ulisses North America product.
I'm resisting Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4e. I don't need another fantasy game, even one so flavoursome, and I was never a Warhammer player back in the day, so I'd be coming to it fresh. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm almost certain to pick it up.

I'm more strongly resisting King for a Day, like Dom; it calls to me, and I don't know why. Also on the fantasy front, I'm horribly tempted by Curse of Strahd, but I don't play or run much D&D, and although fantasy gothic horror appeals, I'm not sure about fantasy gothic horror with elves and halflings etc.

My major point of resistance is Exalted 3e. I love the idea of demigods shaking up a fantasy setting. But it's huge and rules heavy. I'm fishy about the anime influences. But it hits the deep fantasy setting love. So I keep going round in circles.
I don't resist things - I just buy them if I want them.
The trick is simply not to want more things.

(You could also read this that I have no resistance and just buy everything I want, but that would be mean...)
Also on the fantasy front, I'm horribly tempted by Curse of Strahd, but I don't play or run much D&D, and although fantasy gothic horror appeals, I'm not sure about fantasy gothic horror with elves and halflings etc.

I have this. I could run it. I can downplay the demi-human side...
I'm resisting everything (and largely succeeding at the moment - because the big summer releases haven't hit us like a tsunami yet), because I need to tidy my office and dump a ton of books I've amassed over the last twenty years.

There may be a second-hand element to the D101 stall at Continuum although I do fancy the idea of watching the Gloranthaphiles fight it out over at eBay over some of the buried convention-only gold in my collection :)

But playing the game:

Warhammer RPG 4 all of it!!!! Because basically, I could fill the newly freed space with the entirety of this line. Oh who am I kidding, Cubicle 7 have a proven track record of producing stuff that isn't crap and I'm a fanatic from ye olden golden days.

RuneQuest I've got or had the previous editions of this game, so I don't need a new one and I've already got a ton of playable Glorathan stuff (ok you might think HeroQuest smells of wee, but HeroQuest Glorantha is actually quite a spiffy self-contained game, and if you don't like that we'll get you with the charms of 13th Age Glorantha). What's that subconscious brain, you are already planning a campaign and allocating a budget to buying everything? Gah :D
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Bring stuff to the bring and buy at Continuum - you know you want to!

A fair amount of our Gloranthan duplicates went at the last Continuum, but I've uncovered more - Paul has finally finished clearing his flat (there may be some more Ogre counters lurking around - we found a couple when we took some furniture to Emmaus, but the rest has gone). I'll also be bringing a load of paperbacks and board games - if I get the time to sort through the latter in the next month (the garden is taking precedence at the moment but this week is going to be wet).

I just picked up the Gumshoe +2 bundle yesterday - I must get on with logging all my PDFs. I'm hoping to pick up the 13th Age Gloranthan paperbacks at Continuum.
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I have this. I could run it. I can downplay the demi-human side...
I think hobbits would be perfect 'decent chaps' facing up to the horror of Ravenloft, little Paul M's in their tweed suits and monocles..
Elfs.. mm.. they'd go dark very soon..
Dwarfs, yup, same as hobbits.. fine Edwardian chaps.
Tieflings, dragonborn, gnomes, etc.. nope
I was seriously tempted by the Warhammer 40K Wrath and Glory RPG, but the high price gave me a pretty decent slap on the face, so I am no longer tempted and will reluctantly walk away from this Ulisses North America product.
Wait for it to hit retail, if it is popular then you can buy it slowly then, or not.
I suspect you could run a perfectly good 40k Genesys game, or reskin Mutant Chronicles
it's the LORE isn't it?
I have failed so many resistance rolls recently!

The Middle Earth 5e books from Cubicle 7 must be ignored.. really, ignore them Tom.
My wishlist of stuff I put to one side on RPG Now must be ignored.
Warhammer 4e must be repudiated thoroughly.

Essentially I need to just read and play some of the games I have, that's always the best cure for GAS.
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I resisted Tachyon Squadron from Evil Hat for one whole tweet. One. Ha.
I was going to forward that to you and then thought.. nah.. he'll smell it on the breeze and buy it in one..
I want to play..
I have a couple of Kickstarter's awaiting delivery (John Carter and Forbidden Lands) and I am pretty firmly an AGE Fan boy and going through an extend estrangement with most currently (or about to be) published flavours of BRP - so despite my long history with its various incarnations. I'm likely to pass on RQG. But may well snap up Modern AGE and Lazarus when the drop (and AGE of the Expanse as well...)

Nothing I've hears about the new L5R RPG draws my interest - I was very late to the game, mostly carried by Scott & Steve at Travelling Man's enthusiasm for 4e (and eBay has also supplied some amusing bits of the raw by passionate 1e).

Mostly I'm struggling with NOT picking up some big chunky boardgames (Viticulture and Stone Age in particular) because I'm going to move again soon and I have a bunch of boardgames I've yet to play anyway...

Fortunately family & work commitments kept me away from UKGE this year!

Nothing I've hears about the new L5R RPG draws my interest - I was very late to the game, mostly carried by Scott & Steve at Travelling Man's enthusiasm for 4e (and eBay has also supplied some amusing bits of the raw by passionate 1e).

I'm with you on RQG and will be interested in your take on the slowly growing AGE line.

Even later to L5R, having just started in a 4e game. The Roll and Keep system seems really sweet and I sense we're just about to test it in earnest.
Can we have an AGE thread please? Neil has gone off it and yet you love it. New thread please, thread boys...
There are verified rumours of a 2D20 SRD already in use internally at Modiphius Entertainment.

And its final version could eventually become open to the public further down the line, and will probably offer the public some variant ways to "streamline" or "crunch-up" the core 2D20 engine.

The streamlined John Carter of Mars variant seems to cover the lower-crunch demographic for their own homebrews, since the Carter of Mars setting itself may not be to everyone's tastes.
Oh, and following today's announcement, I'm resisting John Tynes' return to Delta Green with The Labyrinth. For now...