Players sought in Derby/Nottingham area.

Hi folks,

I'm looking at the possibility of starting up a new rpg group in Stapleford, Nottingham (only 5 minutes from J25 of the M1). Monday or Wednesday (also Sunday?) nights would be the best bet I think.

I would look to run heavily 'houseruled' 1e AD&D, Call of Cthulhu and Western gunfight stuff (Gutshot for one offs and Boot Hill for a campaign). What we really want to go for we can discuss as a group.

Currently I run a Tuesday night group, but we have really struggled to get together over the last year with work commitments and various ailments etc (including me sometimes - the reasons and frequency evenly spread amongst all of us). We play at my house and online (Skype) and a mixture of both, would really prefer in the flesh though. I also play in an occasional Friday night group, but would really like to get back to a regular, weekly session. So I have commitments Tuesday's and Friday's (and Thursday's too) evenings.
Hi Antman,
We are now playing on a Sunday with a back up on a Tuesday, ie if Sunday doesn't work one week, we look at Tuesday. Currently playing Gutshot as a Wild West game. It's been a blast (pun intended). I'm looking at speeding up the end of the al-Qadim campaign, then we'll look at what we want to do after that. Gutshot works as a great game to pick up when we have only a few players. We have a number of players on sabbatical (4!) so have an opening for a player (chances are someone will make it permanent, and if all do return then we never have everyone turn up so will be okay.)

One of those players on sabbatical is moving to Wales so will have to play online in the future, but is really into Runequest. I'd like to have a go at Pendragon as GM or player and I was going to run 'Masks of that horrible beasty whose name should not be uttered' at some point, so 'Chaosium' playing is a possibility at some point too.
Private conversation here, then swap details if you feel cool with that.
Just click on the name of the person to find the conversation option.