Hi, I'm not actually a disembodied gherkin floating in an inky void but a human called Chris. I often go by my online handle of "Gherkin". Happy to be called either.
Primarily a D&D Player / Forever DM, played a lot of systems back in my formative years in RPGs but I have settled for a game with longevity and stability now rather than system hopping, and that game for better or worse is D&D
mostly-3.5 though I occasionally participate in WHFRP and CoC side games.
Missed being a Boomer by one year. Earliest memory: Traffic playing "Hole In My Shoe" on the B&W telly. Jason & The Argonauts looms large in my memory from that epoch too. Working class upbringing I guess you'd say (product of several generations of coal miners on Dad's side, maternal grandad was a window cleaner then a postie after the war). Wore clothes bought from the rag and bone shop on our street as a kid. I'm a university lecturer now. How'd that happen? I got there the long way round though, spent 20+ years in industry. Boy, academia is weird.
My introduction to RPs was Holmes Blue Book D&D in '78. Graduated to AD&D a year or so later. Some of the guys I knew in school a couple of years above me wrote a fanzine called Dragonlords. Some of you might even remember it. I wrote some contributions. Later on that circle were recruited by GW and were involved in editing White Dwarf and writing Warhammer material. I still have the odd contact with them through social media.
I am I suppose you might say the lynchpin of a local RPG group based in East Kent. We mostly play a specific, very long running multithreaded D&D campaign based on the World of Greyhawk setting. It began as a rather casual 1st edition game in 1994 and just kept going, and going...migrated to 3rd edition in the early 2000's. No plans to switch now though I don't do edition wars and I hear good things about 5e. We have a solid group of core local players and a couple of remote players who join in the VTT games, but the locals still meet every 2 weeks for a F2F game. We intersect with another local group sometimes for online sessions. Happy to add players to games when space allows.
I didn't go to Salute this year as the missus rightly complained I have far too many 3D printed minis already waiting to get painted up to justify blowing a wad of cash on more, as I inevitably would have done; but several of our crew did go there. I haven't seen their goodies yet, they will probably bring them to wave at me and gloat in this week's game session. Instead I painted a couple of upscaled Chimera figures. So there. It's a start.
Anyway, glad to be here, I used to hang about on UKRoleplayers and the RPG Blogger's Network, oh and a major Gamegrene contributor if anyone remembers that. Never latched onto ENWorld for some reason. I've been a bit lost in the hinterlands of Facebook D&D groups in recent years but they just don't have the quality of a decent message board, and Facebook serves its own interests not ours.
So, that's me.